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Boards & Commissions

Civil Service Commission

Three members and up to three alternate members established by PA Borough Code to provide rules and regulations for police hiring and disciplinary procedures. 


Term: Six year terms

Meetings: Meets as needed & on the 1st Monday of January of each even numbered year


  • Vice Chair, Susan Wallace

  • Secretary, Melissa Ostrowski

  • Darlene Eager

  • Alternate Member, Linda Deal

Educational Service Agency

Three member board that meets once a year to consider annual budget and assignments for School Crossing Guards.


Term: Three year terms

Meetings: Meets as needed


  • Chair, Cindy Bigler

  • Phyllis Giberson

  • Anthony T. Boyer

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Contact Us

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Borough Hall
100 Municipal Drive
Millersville, PA 17551
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Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Historic Commission

This five member commission has the responsibility of following the Zoning Ordinance as it relates to historic preservation in the borough.  Recommendations for changes to class one and two structures are made to the Borough’s Zoning Officer.  The membership of the Historic Commission shall include individuals who have professional expertise or a demonstrated interest in cultural history, architectural history, architecture, archaeology, historic preservation, or knowledge in a field related to the objectives of the Historic Commission, such as:  real estate, construction, grant writing, fund raising, local business, economic development and the like.  


Term: Five year terms

Meetings: First Monday of every month at 7:00 PM


  • Chair, Philip Gerber

  • Dawn Fisher

  • Peter Rios

  • Lucie Lehr

  • Keely Childers Heany

Park Commission

This Commission is comprised of 3 members appointed by Council to regulate public park areas in the Borough.  This Commission adopts the rules necessary for park use.  The Commission may make recommendations to Council for park improvements, updating regulations, and fees for using facilities.


Term: Three year terms

Meetings: First Monday of every month at 6:00 PM


  • Chair, Harold "Skip" Rhodes, Jr.

  • Rosalie Gessner

  • Brooke Magni

Planning Commission

This five member commission established under the authority of the PA Municipal Planning Code (MPC) makes recommendations to Council for consideration of land and building additions and changes that are subject to local subdivision and land development ordinances (SALDO).  The commission also reviews appeals to the Zoning Hearing Board, recommends changes to the Official Map Ordinance and formulates the Borough’s Comprehensive Plan. 


Term: Four year terms

Meetings: First Wednesday of every month at 7:00 PM


  • Chair, Lauren Hauck

  • Vice Chair, Michael Walker

  • Secretary, Gary Hess

  • James Stager

  • Michael Weidinger

Vacancy Board

This resident is responsible for working with Council to ensure that vacated elected official seats are filled.  (Meetings are held as needed.)


Term: One year terms

Meetings: Meets as needed


  • Daniel Zeigler

Zoning Hearing Board

Interested residents should be familiar with the (MPC) Municipal Planning Code of PA that sets rules and regulations for zoning boards.  Candidates should also be familiar with the Borough’s local Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance that determine land and property uses.  The Board’s primary task is to consider property owner requests for variances to local ordinances.  This is a five member board. 


Term: Five year terms

Meetings: Fourth Thursday of every month at 6:30 PM


  • Chair, James Sanchez 

  • Vice Chair, Lindsay Gerner

  • John D. Rochat Appointed Secretary

  • Karen Eckert

  • Vickie Usciak

  • James Kirk, Jr.

  • Carrie Smith

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